Job Description
Direct Client Supervision
- Make on-site home visits according to the hours allotted by the funding source
- Therapist training
- Use behavioral skills training to ensure staff are using best practice ABA Procedures
- Use behavioral skills training to model and implement new skill acquisition programs and behavior reduction plans
- Collaborate with BCBA if further professional development is needed for a therapist
- Collect IOA data on each program, quarterly
- If IOA is less than 80%, resolve the issue within 2 weeks
- If needed, collect data on treatment integrity to resolve inconsistencies
- Design and collect data for purposes of deriving function of maladaptive behavior Write behavior intervention plan
- Check that Preference Assessments are being run according to schedule
Clinical Management
- Use sign-in calendar to track therapist attendance and alert home office to any inconsistencies in scheduling
- Therapists to call Coordinating BCBA, Program Coordinator and family member if a session is to be missed. Therapists to contact other staff to see if anyone can cover session and alert PC/BCBA/family to schedule changes.
- PC to alert home office to schedule changes.
- PC to create home schedule using Week-At-A-Glance provided by ABLG, and to keep current copies in the program book and at the home office
- Follow up with the therapist and family calls and emails within 24 hours
- Proactively reports any issues in the home or program to Coordinating BCBA
Program Book Maintenance
- Visual inspection of data; if no change after 5 sessions, make modification
- Check that all SAPs are being run consistently at every session using Program Checklist
- Check that all data is being collected each session and if there is no data, check that documentation of why is provided in the communication log
- Move programs into Generalization/Maintenance
- Check that graphing protocols are being followed and that graphs are done in pencil
Behavior Reduction
- Collect baseline data on all maladaptive behavior prior to implementation of behavior reduction plan, unless client is endangering himself or others (BCBA to design data system/PC to monitor)
- Train all parties to implement behavior reduction plan and to collect and graph data (BCBA/PC)
Skill Acquisition Planning<
- Assemble ABLG program book and write Custom Teaching Plan
- Baseline or supervise baseline of all SAPs prior to implementation
- Make recommendations for new SAPS as initial goals are mastered
- Write task analyses as needed
- Develop overall program goals according to ABLG Essential Domains
Clinical Management
- Link services with related providers
- Ultimately responsible for quality control in the program including:
- Program book updated and meets ABLG standards per Evaluation form
- Therapists trained and able to carry out programming
- Student making progress across all goals
- ABLG Service Delivery protocols adhered to
- Client has a range of goals across most ABLG Essential Domains
- Remain appraised of changes in client’s schedule, upcoming vacations, etc.
- Reports to Coordinating BCBA
- Proactively reports any issues in the home office
Program Book Maintenance
- Visual inspection of data; if no change after 5 sessions, make modification
- Check that all SAPs are being run consistently at every session using Program Checklist
- Check that all data is being collected each session and if there is no data, check that documentation of why is provided in the communication log
- Move programs into Generalization/Maintenance
- Check that graphing protocols are being followed and that graphs are done in pencil
Skill Acquisition Planning
- Write Goals and Objectives for client
- Keep Goals and Objectives grid updated with current programming (or delegate and oversee)
- Write individualized Skill Acquisition Programs, including targets –or- pull programs from ABLG curriculum bank. (or delegate and oversee)
- Collect or delegate and oversee collection of baseline data
- Review and give feedback on client’s Custom Teaching Plan. Ensure all documents are completed